Category Productivity

Resolutions suck! Shaan shares framework to save you from another year of broken promises.

Deep Work by Cal Newport teaches how to how to build focus in complex tasks and get productive with four simple rules

10 Rules of Life to live by. Read them with an open mind and you will be rewarded.

Sidekick is a revolutionary new work OS based on the Chromium browser. Designed to be the ultimate online work experience, it brings together your team and every web tool you use – all in one interface.

1:1s are a vital component of any successful employee-manager relationship. Here are some tips on running useful meeting. Bonus: There is a coda template for you to get started!

Learn how attention impacts productivity of a developer. The author shares how he manages his day and environment which leads to improved productivity.

Kakeibo is a way of manually tracking your finances to help you stick to a budget and reach your savings goals.

Embrace the Suck, Do It in Public and Pick Stuff That Matters. The only thing preventing us from being awesome is our own fear of sucking.

Pomodoro Technique teaches you to work with focus and do proper time management. This tool is perfect implementation for this technique.

What we don't think about enough is the science and strategy of how to accomplish your goals. That's what this guide is here to do.

Building digital library of over 250 book notes in Roam. Learn the process to do this from Nat!

Your personal brand describes how you are perceived. Discover the best brands, learn and grab oppurtunites.