Category Product

Swiss army knife to convert markup files to other formats

Create videos out of podcast. Add animations, gifs, images and more.

Meta Tags is a tool to debug and generate meta tag code for any website

Design better user flows by learning from proven products

Hackertab turns your New Tab page into a geeky one that keeps you as a developer updated with the best tools, news, jobs and events.

Totally awesome, well-stretched svg background patterns, free for download.

Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend

Animate your designs easily. Export your creations as videos or GIFs. All in your browser.

Explore a collection of hand curated tools + resources

Browse the World’s biggest curated list from top Founders.

Track your website mentions in real-time

A scheduling tool both the sender and the recipient will love. Personalization and customization for your meetings

Develop code in a cloud that feels local! When you're ready, deploy from anywhere.

Sidekick is a revolutionary new work OS based on the Chromium browser. Designed to be the ultimate online work experience, it brings together your team and every web tool you use – all in one interface.

Create beautiful device mockup images for your app or website design. Share it everywhere.

Quick customizable icons for your projects. You can customize and download icons in svg, jsx and even get React component for each.

Chaskiq is an open source platform that connects and empowers the communication of support, sales & marketing teams with their customers.

A whiteboard collaboration platform which redefines your work and helps you collaborate, express, convey, and influence better at work.

Sample text attempts to visually demonstrate how readable this color combination is, for normal, italic, bold, or bold italic text of various sizes and font styles.

Cheat sheet for no-code tools and resources which will get you started in building products.

Make an awesome profile pic from any photo. Remove backgrounds and choose from variety of filters

Shorten, create and share links without storing cookie or any personal data of your users.

Grow your business faster with WhatsApp. Shared whatsapp inbox - contact management - whatsapp broadcast!

Design beautiful patterns from endless variations. Useful for presentations, social media posts and customizing products.

Create, collaborate, and celebrate your presentations in one place. Redefining how you do presentations. They do have a free plan!

Hassle free responsive HTML email templates! Easy to customize and lot of templates to choose from.

Super fast and easy Social Media Sharing Buttons. No JavaScript. No tracking.

Create useful .gitignore files for your project! The site has a graphical and command line method of creating a .gitignore for your operating system, programming language, or IDE.

List of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers.

The Best Landing Page Design Inspiration, Templates, Resources and More.

Roadmaps bring uncertainity, guilt and expectations. An option is something you can do but don’t have to do!

Best Picture Colorizer that Add Color to Your Black and White Old Pictures.

Pomodoro Technique teaches you to work with focus and do proper time management. This tool is perfect implementation for this technique.

Get summaries and takeaways from the best books, for free.